What Is My Birth Philosophy?
Evan Cohen Evan Cohen

What Is My Birth Philosophy?

How does this show up in my work as a doula? I’d say that it plays out both behind the scenes and directly every day. I’ve found that the tighter that I hold on, the harder being a doula is. But as soon as I let go and become flexible, the easier it feels to ride the waves of all that is asked from birth, life, and beyond.

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Caring Deeply Within A Densensitized System
birth, doula, birthworker, hospital birth Evan Cohen birth, doula, birthworker, hospital birth Evan Cohen

Caring Deeply Within A Densensitized System

My mind never ceases to be blown after every birth, and even after 7 years I learn something new every single time. This mind-blowing comes in many different forms. Sometimes I am elated, sometimes overwhelmed, sometimes heartbroken, and often very very tired. Each birth is incredibly different, and there are many factors at play. During a recent birth, I was reminded about how big of an impact the staff, the day, and the flow of the hospital can make on someone's experience. This impact can often be amazing, and other times reminds me of how broken the healthcare system is.

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