the doula mentorship to boost your confidence in the birth room & beyond!

you’re in the right place!

I am here for you if...

✨…you need support putting yourself out there and calling in your ideal doula clients!
🤔…you feel like “wtf just happened?” after births, and wish that you had more confidence in the birth room
🙌…you need a boost of inspiration and guidance around self-promotion, content creation, & SEO
👀…you’re unsure who to ask questions about birth, and find yourself scrolling for hours devouring all the birth info you can!
🥲…you’re nervous that you won’t know what to do when you walk into a birth, or dread new situations and sneak to the bathroom to consult Dr. Google
🕰️…you’re curious about the long term reality of being a doula without burning out!

I’ve got you! I believe in you and am here to support you, no matter what’s coming up for you, I’ve been there. 

you know in your bones birthwork is your path, your calling, & your passion.

Supporting people during birth lights you up, and you know that this path MADE for you!

🐝…you know that a thriving doula practice isn’t only possible but is INEVITABLE, but don’t know exactly where to start
💰…you don’t want to work a million side hustles and want birth to be your MAIN source of income (yes, it is possible!)
🤔…you see other doulas “making it” and you wish I knew all the behind the scenes deets that went into making that possible (psss…I’m gonna show you)
💉…you feel like there’s an ENDLESS amount of interventions and options to learn around birth & just wish someone would lay it all out for you 
✊🏽…you’re hesitant to advocate, but you want so badly to stand up for your clients (or, wish someone had been a strong advocate for you!)
📞… you’re need guidance on how to create boundaries and maintain a work life balance while on call, but are so excited to ditch the 9-5 or leave your unfulfilling job

These thoughts & feels are SO NORMAL, it’s hard to feel prepared to dive into the full reality of doula work after a weekend training.

That’s what inspired me to create a mentorship that i wish i had when i was a new doula. becoming a doula is not as simple as “follow these 3 easy steps!”. it requires support, community, and guidance personalized to you.

imagine your life & the doors that would open...

if you had a group of other doulas, a passionate mentor, and a space where there are NO silly questions? What could happen in your life if you spent 8 weeks focusing on your path as a doula, with a safe container for growth, learning, and community building?

A confident, sustainable doula practice is possible. 

You don’t need to grind. You don’t need to burn yourself out to create a thriving doula practice that supports the families you work with AND you & your family. You don’t need to fake it til you make it. You can build a foundation of confidence, care, and community that will have a butterfly effect.

Becoming a doula does not happen overnight. It takes commitment, time, and focus. Which is why I created a container for you to take that leap and give yourself and your doula practice the support you so deeply deserve!

What you focus on grows.

Where you put your energy brings transformation. 🦋

Introducing. . .


The ultimate doula mentorship course for growth & transformation!  
In this 8-week doula mentorship, you will gain everything you need to build a sustainable, thriving, confident, and life-changing in person doula practice.

Born from what I wish I knew when I was a new doula, I’m thrilled to share what I’ve learned over the last 8 years of being and becoming a full time birthworker!!

“Cocoon was such an incredible experience for me.

Being super new to doula work it opened my eyes to understanding the expanses of the doula's role. I felt confident to ask questions and learn from my peers in the class given the space Evan created with little judgement. I really appreciated how much Evan asked students to share their experiences so that we could all learn from each other.”

- Rachel

The foundation of Cocoon Doula Mentorship…

  • Confidence

    Build confidence as a doula and step away from this course knowing how to show up authentically and genuinely with every unique client…from the moment of hire to the immediate postpartum.

  • Hands On Skills

    Learn the nitty gritty details of showing up fully with each client...from prenatal meetings, curve balls, support during every stage of labor, inductions, and beyond.

  • business

    We’ll dive into the crucial details around contracts, business boundaries, self-employment details, doula partnerships, backups, and everything I wish I knew and nobody told me!

  • community

    Doulas need doulas, and we can’t do this alone! In this mentorship container, we have eachothers backs- during these 8 weeks and beyond. Nobody understands doula life like doulas!


 “I honestly believe I would not be able to truly understand my role as a doula without Evan nor would I be as successful. 

Beginning my journey as a doula I knew I needed a mentor. Evan was recommended by a friend of mine and her knowledge and professionalism is indescribable. 

I looked forward to our weekly sessions and as I completed my certification program I was able to come to Evan with questions and always felt well guided and safe to discuss any number of topics. I honestly believe I would not be able to truly understand my role as a doula without her nor would I be as successful. 

Evan is a gem in this work and I would absolutely recommend her services to anyone interested in seeking a mentor.”

  • Jessica Westbrook @thelotusdoulagroup


What’s included in cocoon?

psss.. click the weeks below to see more!

  • Social media, websites, & sharing your gifts

    You are your own niche!

    Interviews & first impressions

    Contracts and expectations

    What to charge?!

    To certify, or not certify?

    Q & A

  • Deciding what to talk about

    Structuring visits (or…not structuring?)

    Information that is essential to share

    Supporting the partner and family

    The importance of expectations & clear communications

    Q & A

  • Navigating on call life

    Being a doula with your own family

    You are not a martyr

    Setting expectations and sticking to them

    Q & A

  • What to bring to a birth

    Stepping up and stepping back

    The art of advocacy

    Hospital and care provider relationships

    My most used hands on comfort measures at a birth

    Q & A

  • Caring for yourself

    Signs of burn out and when to press the pause button

    Navigating unexpected outcomes

    Vicarious euphoria and vicarious trauma: riding the waves

    Q & A

  • Evan’s original plants for pregnancy class!

    Learn the basics of what herbs are safe during pregnancy

    How to simply incorporate plants into your practice

    What herbs, plants, and supplements are safe for various common pregnancy discomforts

    Q & A

  • How to prepare clients for the “induction conversation” with their provider

    The ARRIVE trial

    Avoiding unnecessary inductions

    What is an induction- step by step

    Preparing clients for induction when *truly* necessary

    How to support your client- and yourself- during an induction

    Q & A

  • How long to stay and what to do after the birth

    Rocking the postpartum visit

    What is the role of a postpartum doula?

    Maintaining relationships

    Food as medicine

    Postpartum resources to know: feeding, postpartum mood & anxiety

    Q & A and wrapping up!

Hi, I’m Evan! Being a doula is my life, my love, and the core of who I am.

I became an abortion doula in 2013, and soon after discovered birthwork in 2016. I never looked back. I knew that I had found my calling and that I was meant to do this work. 

Before I found birthwork, I farmed, worked in restaurants, was a nanny, and was living the life of hustling and piecing things together to make ends meet. When I took a doula training, I knew that I was where I was meant to be. Birthwork is a calling, and if you’re here…I know you feel the same way. 

I’ve been a full time doula since 2017 and have served over 200 families! I have learned over time that every birth is TRULY different, and that to be fully prepared every time we have to open ourselves up to the unknown.

This mentorship is rooted in my philosophy of birth. Flexibility, passion, and deep, authentic care and community building. 

We aren’t meant to do this work alone.

I’m so glad you’re here. 

join THE WAITLIST FOR OUR NEXT cohort - THE winter series!

Scholarships available for BIPOC doulas & single mothers/parents! Reach out directly to apply to

What’s included inside cocoon doula mentorship

  • 8 live 1.5 hour classes + Q & A's and lifetime access to the recordings

  • An intimate Telegram group where Evan will answer questions + peer to peer support during Cocoon and for 8 additional weeks!

  • 1 30-60 minute one on one call with Evan anytime within 6 months of completing Cocoon to process a birth, ask questions, or seek guidance

  • A peek behind the scenes at my business and access to all of my contracts, forms, and protocols that keep my business flowing smoothly

  • Unlocking the gate and sharing EVERYTHING I've learned after supporting over 200 families

  • Bonuses along the way including resources from other amazing birthworkers, and more!


when do we start?!

THE NEXT SESSION WILL RUN THIS WINTER! BE sure to join our waitlist so you get all the details straight to your inbox!

If I am at a birth, we will add a call onto the end!

After cocoon doula mentorship,
you will have everything you need to...

💪🏽 Build a thriving doula practice that supports both your clients AND you and your family!

🐝 Attract ideal clients by being your own, unique, self

❤️ Be prepared and confident advocating for your clients in a thoughtful yet impactful way

📝 Feel HELLA organized and on the ball with the behind the scenes details of doula life

💰 Imagine a long-term life of having an impactful and supportive (financially and emotionally) doula practice

🫂 Have other doulas to call on when you need to process or unpack a birth experince

😁 Know in your bones that you really CAN do it! And feel confident walking into and out of each birth, no matter what unfolds.

THIS COURSE is PERFECT foR you if...

  • You have completed a doula training in the last 1-3 years and are needing support getting off the ground. (Or, you’re planning on taking a training soon!)

  • Everytime your phone rings and you see a clients name your stomach is FULL of nervous butterflies 🦋

  • You’re CRAVING a small group of other doulas who are at similar places in their journey

  • You’ve been looking for someone you can talk to about ANYTHING birth related

  • You’re a doula at heart, but need a stronger foundation of education to feel confident!

 But it’s definitely not for you if...…

  • You’re seeking a doula training. This is meant to supplement & support your doula training, not be in place of it! If you’re planning on doing a training within the next 6 months, let’s chat…

  • You already have a very successful doula practice, are fully making a living off births, and get 2 or more inquiries every month

  • You’ve figured out the secret sauce to balance on call life with family, vacation, and friend commitments

  • You’re super confident at every birth

  • Racists, anti-semites, homophobes, and transphobes are not welcome in my courses

“To say she helps me grow as a doula everyday is an absolute understatement”

“I've met with Evan multiple times and will continue to do so because of how much I can learn from her. To say she helps me grow as a doula everyday is an absolute understatement. Every meeting I have with her she guides me out of my comfort zone, and each time I step out of my comfort zone, memorable experiences follow. 

She continuously expands my perspective with her stories, advice, and words of encouragement. Her ability to be so empathetic and understanding towards being a new doula and navigating this completely new space helps me feel heard. I know for a fact anyone that comes into contact with her is extremely blessed. 

If you're a new doula, I highly suggest her mentorship because they are 100% worth it, and I cannot wait to continue to learn from her!!!”

  • Mackenzie Moore @hopefordoula

As doulas, I know it can be so hard to prioritize ourselves!

We are caregivers at heart, and I know we don’t blink an eye when it comes to doing something great for our kids, partners, clients, families, and even pets. What would it feel like to take a leap and do something that is JUST for YOU- that will ripple out into your community and the families you support? you deserve to take the time to focus on yourself, to build the doula practice that you know is possible,

I hope to see you inside Cocoon! I can’t wait to witness your transformation. 

If you’re curious but have more questions, I would love to chat! Send me an email at ❤️

join the waitlist for our next cohort - the winter series!

Scholarships available for BIPOC doulas & single mothers/parents! Reach out directly to apply to

You have questions. I have answers!

How many weeks is Cocoon?

Cocoon is an 8 week program, plus 1 “doula download” call with Evan anytime within 6 months of completing to process a birth, ask questions, or seek guidance.

How much does it cost?

The program is $499 with a limited number of sliding scale spots available for BIPOC doulas & single parents.

Is there a payment plan?

Yes! There is a 6 month payment plan option.

Where did the name Cocoon come from?

I came up with the name “cocoon” because I see becoming a doula like transforming from a catepillar into a butterfly! It’s such a deep an ongoing transformation for ourselves, while we are simultaneously supporting transfromations for each parent and family we walk alongside.

How big will the community be?

I’m committed to keeping Cocoon an intimate group where everyone can recieve the individualized care and attention they need.

let’s take your doula practice to the next level this year!